so now that I've gotten the first two out of the way, and I wont see a whole lot of you again (well most of you I will, but that's besides the point) let's get down to the rest of you now shall we? Also I'm taking omar's lead and there will be some stuff in here you might not want to read. But hey if you want to say anything to me after, just shoot me an IM. This will mainly be about long term people I've known throughout the years, so try to not be offended if you think you should be on here and are not
(I started this the day we graduated so some things in here may be a little outdated, deal with it I suppose)
Zack: What a story to tell here. We used to basically be buddy buddy with everything. Whenever anything happened we were always there for each other. Then came junior year and we totally drove each other apart, and I blame it all fully on comp sci. I'm willing to accept some of the blame for being an annoying twat some times, but boy that one day where I asked everyone for help, and you wouldnt help, or Mr. Chang, or the sophomores, or the seniors, I had had it with everything in that class and was willing to take an F just to get away from you and everyone else in there. I think we've come back pretty well since then, but something just appears to be missing and I don't know what
and just a little FYI zack I've never ditched you in my life, no matter what you thought about senior sunrise or anything else. Don't even go down that road.
Final edit before I post: Don't be a stranger and don't take aggression out on others, we're all mean to each other. (This applies to you too curtin)
Jonathan Harris: Shit I've known you too forever now 6 years. I remember the first real conversation we had was at my house some random weekend after my birthday at knotts, and I thought you were totally the coolest guy ever, and I was right haha. I've heard from everyone at one point or another how much they hate talking to you when youre just arguing with them, but for some reason we've never really argued. Maybe it's just because we've never had a reason to fight (except for that one time you were a total jackass in meloche's class and hit me in the face with a ball), or we just get along that well, who knows. But I'm glad we're still great friends and that we'll be going to CSULB together still. Even more time to do more things haha
Jesus: I'm going to be blunt here. I hated you for the longest time. I regularly made fun of you just because all you did was piss me off way back in 10th grade. Everything you freaking did was just some way to make me mad, and you were just a total dick about it( and dont even deny this lol). Down to the CD project in meloche. I remember that when we met for the last time we agreed not to tell you about it because we figured we'd get more work down without you. And low and behold the only work you did was stolen from another group lol. Again like Zack, I'd like to think we've come quite a long way since then and have become great friends. You regularly ask if I hate you, I don't, but you need to stop being so dickish a lot of the time. You provoke me at quite possibly the worst points of the time which is why I lash out so much at you. I'll never really understand your motivations sometimes, but w/e I suppose lol.
edit: I don't hate you so dont think that lol
Kim Loftis: Something that again I will never understand. You hung out with every single one of my friends but we never said more than a couple sentences to each other until 10th grade in art. Simply put you are amazing. I do miss some of the chats/note passings we used to have all the time during bio last year, that provided me with some of my most fun and entertainment, and I'm sure we could still learn more about each other if we have them again hahaha...jokes aside though, like everyone else on this lat I do love being around you and talking to you. You too are going to CSULB so that's just peachy haha :) If you ever read this or ever go online ever again (which might not be ever apparently) AIM me so we can talk again!
Haygood: We've always been default friends due to cluster, but I think we've gotten pretty close ever since you came back to our table from playing basketball in 10th grade. Putting up with people in Levoit's class, breaking zack's ankles filming a comercial, playing gears all the time (but never finishing the damn game) and numerous parties and other things, and I think you're my favorite tall person ever. I will say I felt really really excluded from you and anaoshak. It's kind of the reason I never went on xbox live for so long, like 80% of the time I wasnt really busy (after those first 2-3 weeks were I was actually incredibly busy). I would just feel so lonely while you guys played and I was basically out of the loop on everything, and when I did actually play I would just leave my mic off and turn the voices on through the speakers, w/e though, we have the rest of the summer and I need to buy live again x_x. BTW playing cards with you is incredibly fun, I can't wait to play more over the summer.
Ryan Plunkett: I was pretty cool with you for the longest time after all of the weird people we had to deal with in 9th grade art. Even to the point of getting pissed at all of the people who didnt like you for w/e quirk they talked about. Then came junior year and one of the most hurtful letters that you sent via myspace (back in december or january if you ever feel like reading it), then one event led to another and I couldnt even be around you without just being mad and lonely. You just dropped into my life and swept a whole bunch of things away. I'd like to think we've come pretty far since then, but I'm not 100% sure, I'd like to hope so but I don't know.
Mitchell: I read your comment in my yearbook and I know you had good intent in writing it, but I felt really bad for a while. I remember thinking you were the coolest thing since sliced bread and I just wanted to hang with you whenever I could. You were so mysterious. You had no class spirit, essentially hated oxford, and never did anything with any of us and I was so confused as to why. Funny enough you end up on class committee and become one of the most well known people amongst our class haha. Like jonathan I always try to stay off your bad side because I hate seeing you mad at anyone, let alone me. And again I'm sorry if I've ever made you mad but I never know if you are or not. Just letting you know again if you ever need anything I'm always just a text or an IM away.
Lauren: Gosh, where do I begin with you huh? Summer junior year I fell for you harder than anyone I had in my entire life. Nothing made me happier than to be with you. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was that you were just like me or something. We liked just about the exact same shit. Anything I ever did with or for you back then I toiled on forever with people who for some reason didn't mind listening to me worry for hours on end. Just the back to school dance alone junior year I spent the entire day/evening with kim just worrying about any possible thing I could do wrong. Then in december you pretty much killed me with a bombshell that you knew for the entire time I liked you but didn't have it in you for the entire time to tell me or anything. I became really introverted with you again and basically had to start all over again. This year I did the same thing and I don't know why. I knew you more or less had no interest in me, but I'm not a quitter is my stupid dense mentality. I still remember when I was going to ask you WF that day and I totally got owned lol. I'm glad we had fun at prom but there's still...well I won't beat a dead horse but anyone reading this knows exactly how I felt about that night. And as I write this now I still feel something, I don't know how or why. All I do is set myself up for hurt, for something that I guess just won't ever be, but I will never understand why, and either you don't know like you say or don't want to tell me. I guess I can't blame you for not wanting to hangout with me anymore :( I don't want it to be like this but you seem to have no time for me or anything (or just anything that isn't me haha), I guess we just gotta talk or do something eventually some day I don't know...don't be a stranger
PS. No matter how you word it, you ditched me on Up. Bottom line. And it really hurt. You said you just went with your coworker just to go, and that was that, and you only knew "the night before", would it have been so hard to tell me you went to see it? I turned down two other offers to go see it over the last week or two just because I thought we were going to see it...just because you word it differently doesn't make it hurt any less
I was pretty upset when I wrote this one too...but I don't know what else to say here anymore. Talk to me I guess, oh well.
Final edit: I don't know what to say anymore. I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I don't know what to say if you just tell me youre so busy all the time...just with other people. It doesn't bother me if you don't want to, I just don't feel terrible feeling one way and being pulled another. You seem to have the luck of everyone wanting to go after you, I wish I had the same pull as that sigh.
Final FINAL edit here....I'm not saying we shouldnt just hang out or have fun, but shit I don't know what to to me for once instead of me "forcing" it heh.
Lisa: So what happened here? I remember that we were pretty close up until around back in 9th grade then that seemed to be that. I totally did not agree with some of the things you said/did (I don't remember that vividly anymore, but I didnt like it at all), and I guess that was the end of that. And it wasnt until around the middle or end 10th grade that we even started talking again. I don't know what else to say though. I mean I know we're friends and all, but what now? I feel like the last 4 years has been this empty void between us. We're barely any closer now than when we were all the way back then...sigh I guess we just have to start from square one maybe? I don't know, what do we do? lol
Final edit: What you said to me really upset me, for a long time. If you don't know what I said, go figure it out or ask someone.
Ryan Curtin: Shit we've been neighbors for our entire lives and we never even SEE each other until the middle of 9th grade. WTF SERIOUSLY?! Well I'm not gonna lie, I remember me and omar talking about you freshmen year thinking you were one of the weirdest kids ever and wondered why you ever sat with us, glad I was wrong here haha. I know where I'll start with you, debate. I'm pretty glad we ended up as partners, but holy shit did that ever almost kill us? I remember when your twatness was acting up by the end of the berkeley trip. I was almost ready to strangle you DURING my 1ar, fiddling with my laptop and erasing all of my speeches I was so mad I just started throwing shit across the room making the judges mad. But besides that I had a total blast with you this year. Making fun of stupid freshmen who had no idea what they were talking about....making fun of SENIORS who had no idea what they were talking about. I don't know why we did so well to be honest. I mean we did have people help us, but besides files after files, everything else was all us. I had the speed where you were the brains behind everything. For being first years I'd like to say that we totally dominated our fellow jv members. I don't know why though. Is this really that hard to comprehend the younger you are? Man only if we would've joined back in sophomore year we could've just been fucking shit up left and right haha. Year well spent my friend.
Jon Worrel: We go all the way back to PC's class way back in 8th grade haha. What we used to draw like upside down Question marks, and look up stuff on your PDA in class, and laugh when mrs. PC screamed OH SHIT in the middle of class...hehe. We used to do shit all the time man! What happened? It always seems you or me are always too busy to do anything. Even if we don't talk for long periods of time we will always have tech shit ahahah. I've had some pretty intense conversations with you and I'm glad you're one of the few people who have left Oxford that I still keep in touch with. This is it and final, we are going to hang out soon whether either of us like it or not...just gotta figure out wtf to do lol.
Bryan freaking Hunt: We go all the way back to...what was that rietsch's class in 8th grade where you and danny took a bunch of knives and threw them at me during math? You're pretty awesome basically and I love hanging out with you/omar and attempting to write music or play music...or just devolve into playing games and other shit that has nothing to do with anything haha. I think if either of us want to do anything we should probably be more serious, as only 1 out of the 3 of us appears to have any talent at all...whatsoever. Well hopefully we fix that. It amazes me that you were only at oxford for a year and a half and we still have been able to stay as close as we have. I just realized that wow, you stayed at oxford the least out of almost anyone I can think of o_O. We gotta do some shit soon too...last summer before college but at least we'll all be fairly close to home.
Danny: What do I say here? I was mad at you for so long for all of the fucking stupid shit you did, and now that I've made amends with you...what's changed? You have the exact same personality traits that irked me in the first place: dependent on rides no matter what the occasion but fail to ask for them BEFORE hand, a little too invasive, and just too questioning. I'm trying to be a really nice guy in all of this but it's extremely difficult when only one person is trying to change anything or act as nice as they possibly can...oh well I'm not going to harbor any bad feelings.
Valerie: Wow I'm not sure what to say haha. We've known each other since around Cross Country I'd say, yet we barely even talked until after 1st semester this year? Then we don't even HANG OUT at all until after I graduate? Man where did all the time go D: Well out of all the juniors I did get to know you are my favorite junior (now senior!) that I've met by far ever :) We've got all of this summer then pretty much anytime after that too to get to know each other/talk more/ whatever else since I'm still at home haha! I'm glad you were there for me for...well you know what, and I really appreciate you listening to my seemingly endless banter and nonsense that I put you (and apparently a lot of other people through haha) :) just know that if you ever need anything I'm not very far away, and I really do owe you for helping me out so much, just let me know!
My heart aches after all of this. I have seriously spent the last....almost month writing and editing this. Some things I wrote on here were even too harsh for a "getting stuff off my chest" post...If you werent on here please don't feel bad, or yell at me, or anyone else for that matter. It's not that you werent important or that you didn't matter, or that you didn't touch my life, but there are so many of you I just have to choose. If I come back to this and it seems inadequate I'll add more but please don't feel bad :(
PS if you feel a certain way, or feel I have misjudged or mislabeled you, please don't hesistate to IM me or call me or text me to ask why/how about any of this....
Sigh now for my hardest part...hitting the publish post button
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Another step forward, my dear friend. :]
i actually understand, i like reading these things and seriously, i felt bad about 11th grade, i really did. I would like to think things are back to where they were.
yee, taylor!
i love helping you out.
and you help me out all the time. so we're even
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